Parcel arrived safely today. Thank you for supplying all the…

Parcel arrived safely today. Thank you for supplying all the parts and cheque I requested, When I have re rigged and fitted the new parts I will take some photos which I will then forward on to you. At present I do not know when this will be as I have a very busy weekend coming up Sailing Silver Cloud as Princess Anne is visiting Wroxham Sailing club this weekend and Sailing in a White Boat like Silver Cloud. Therefore all White Boat in this area will be at Wroham. Also the company where I used to work full time before I retired and have been doing holiday cover for them since I retired have asked me to go back full time on a temporary basis as the person whom they employed doing the work as Parts Supervisor when I retired is leaving, and they would like me to cover this position until they can find a replacement. With Regards & Thanks 

June 2008